Grow with us childcare center
Grow with us childcare center
Let us introduce you to our Preschool Class!
Preschoolers are a fun and busy group!
We do Daily Cooperative Group Time, which includes:
- ABC's using Zoo-Phonics
- Letters and letter-sounds
- Numbers 1-20
- Months of the Year
- Days of the Week
- Letter of the Week
- 11 Colors
- 11 Shapes
- 4 3D Shapes
- Colors Book
- Sing Alongs
- Children also participate as Daily Helpers for Group Time, Lunch, Teacher Helper, and Snack
We also work on toilet-training, Large Group Activities, Small Group Activities, Outdoor Recess, Music and Dancing, Quiet/Rest Time, Arts and Crafts, Fine Motor Skills, and Large Motor Activities.
Our staff maintains the proper 10 to 1 child to staff ratio. We attend regular inservice training to continually further our education, and keep our classroom records up to date. We keep our toys and room clean. Our environment is decorated with preschool-friendly decor to stimulate their senses and encourage learning. Monthly newsletters are sent home to keep parents informed.